Yttringsfrihetsprisen  for 2006 ble under Den norske Forfatterforeningens årsmøte i Oslo 17. mars utdelt til den iranske poeten Simin Behbahani .

Prisen er opprettet av Kulturdepartementet, men Forfatterforeningen står for tildelingen.

Prisvinneren var invitert til Norge for å motta prisen på 100.000 kroner på Forfatterforeningens årsmøte 17. mars.

Simin Behbahani er født i Teheran i 1928 og er kjent som en av det persiske språkets største nålevende poeter. Hun har også i en årrekke kjempet for ytringsfrihet og kvinners rettigheter i sitt hjemland Iran.

I 1998 ble Behbahani tildelt legatet Human Rights Watch/Hellman-Hammett Grant. Året etter fikk hun Carl von Ossietzky-medaljen i Tyskland for sitt arbeid for menneskeretter og demokrati i Iran.


Dette er en engelsk gjendikting av et av hennes dikt:


Gracefully she approached,

in a dress of bright blue silk;

With an olive branch in her hand,

and many tales of sorrows in her eyes.

Running to her, I greeted her,

and took her hand in mine:

Pulses could still be felt in her veins;

warm was still her body with life.


"But you are dead, mother", I said;

"Oh, many years ago you died!"

Neither of embalmment she smelled,

Nor in a shroud was she wrapped.


I gave a glance at the olive branch;

she held it out to me,

And said with a smile,

"It is the sign of peace; take it."


I took it from her and said,

"Yes, it is the sign of…", when

My voice and peace were broken

by the violent arrival of a horseman.

He carried a dagger under his tunic

with which he shaped the olive branch

Into a rod and looking at it

he said to himself:

"Not too bad a cane

for punishing the sinners!"

A real image of a hellish pain!

Then, to hide the rod,

He opened his saddlebag.

in there, O God!

I saw a dead dove, with a string tied

round its broken neck.


My mother walked away with anger and sorrow;

my eyes followed her;

Like the mourners she wore

a dress of black silk.